Two Tasks Per Day

Posted on Sat 17 December 2022 in Life • Tagged with life, philosophy • 3 min read

Balancing my use of free time is hard, so I've been trying to complete two small tasks per day on my current side project to feel productive.

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Productivity Groove vs Productivity Rut

Posted on Sun 26 June 2022 in Life • Tagged with life, philosophy • 3 min read

"I think that’s what defines a proper rut—a loss of momentum so thorough that simply resuming what you were doing, as you might have after a single bad day, no longer seems like an option." - David Cain

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Continuous Restarting

Posted on Sat 19 February 2022 in Life • Tagged with life, philosophy • 4 min read

Trying and failing can lead to not wanting to retry, but I've found that restarting your efforts numerous times is the key to making it stick.

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Evaluating Decisions Based On Information Available

Posted on Fri 14 January 2022 in Life • Tagged with life, philosophy, poker • 3 min read

Some thoughts on what poker has taught me about decisions we make in life without knowing all the information.

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Working From Home Tips

Posted on Sun 02 January 2022 in Life • Tagged with life, philosophy, work • 4 min read

I enjoy working from home, so here's some tips on how I make it work.

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Doing Something Is Better Than Doing Nothing

Posted on Sat 20 November 2021 in Life • Tagged with life, philosophy • 3 min read

Some thoughts around doing too much research before committing to something.

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Being Happy In A Marriage

Posted on Mon 23 November 2020 in Life • Tagged with life, marriage, relationships • 4 min read

Megan and I have been happily married for 12 years and together 18. Here's the core of why I think we've been so happy together.

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